Southwest Virginia Recovery is here to help you any way we can on your road to recovery. We treat many different types of substance use disorders and you will see a physician each time you come to our clinics.

Who do you want to treat and evaluate you and assist in your recovery?

We have over a 150 years of PHYSICIAN health care experience in our area and not newly licensed mid-level practitioners working at for-profit clinics run by out of town business people who have not had medical experience.

We have nearly 50 years of PHYSICIAN experience in evaluating and treating patients in recovery and are not providers who have just been reinstated and just started prescribing medications.

We have board certified PHYSICIANS in addiction medicine.

We are PHYSICIANS who have taken care of all facets of recovery from inpatient to outpatient.

We are PHYSICIANS who are able to treat minor medical problems and chronic medical problems.

We are PHYSICIANS who through their years of medical experience know how to recognize major medical issues and know how to get patients the referral care they need for not only recovery issues but also medical problems and who have referred patients to various places such Johns Hopkins, Duke, Vanderbilt, UVA, Wake Forest, MD Anderson.

We are PHYSICIANS who through their years of experience have managed patients on kidney and liver transplant lists during their recovery and co-managed patients who have had transplants with the transplant team.

We are PHYSICIANS who are able to assist pregnant patients through the pregnancy to minimize the possibility of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome and who have had great success in doing so.

We are PHYSICIANS who will take the time to listen to you and help you understand not only your recovery but also the impact other medical issues can have on your recovery.

We are PHYSICIANS who co-manage post-operative pain control plans with various surgeons and who are available for the surgeon or anesthesiologist to consult with regarding your recovery.

We are PHYSICIANS who through the nearly 50 years of experience helping patients with their recovery from various substances understand the impact of the legal system and patients in recovery and assist patients to manage that impact.

We are PHYSCIANS who can assist primary care providers in managing medical problems and issues with various controlled substance use.

We are PHYSICIANS who from nearly 50 years of experience treating patients in recovery know the rules and regulations to protect patient’s treatment records from prying employers, attorneys, workers comp, family members, ex-spouses etc-can the same be said for someone just licensed-you decide who you want protecting your medical history.

Who would you prefer for your recovery care? From someone newly licensed or their license just re-instated for some reason or from PHYSICIANS who lecture medical students and other healthcare personnel about substance use disorder and the care of patients with substance use disorder?